Twelve months ago I made some predictions for the world of coaching in 2023. My personal situation has changed somewhat since then – more on that at the end of this article – and the world has moved on so I thought it would be interesting and helpful to revisit those predictions and make some more for the next year…
Last year’s predictions
At the beginning of 2023 I predicted that:
- Volatility would stay high and remain present in coaching conversations. That’s definitely still the case, with almost every angle feeling unpredictable and ambiguous.
- AI would significantly increase in adoption. That has absolutely happened, with billions of dollars being poured into this new industry and new participants emerging every week, although tangible impact on the coaching industry hasn’t yet been felt (more on that below). Part of my prediction was that I’d release a book on the topic, which hasn’t happened – instead, I published a book more related to the volatility point above: Next Generation Leadership.
- Access to coaching would remain restricted to a small group despite technological developments. That’s still the case. Even the big providers of remote coaching have seen their growth slowing; the unfortunate truth is that the small number of professional coaches globally prevents it from ever being fully democratised.
- New coaching business models would emerge, drawing on AI. This hasn’t really happened…yet…again, more on that below.
- Emergent technologies would continue to develop but not hit coaching. This is exactly right. Blockchain, immersive technologies, quantum computing and the like have all leapt forward and haven’t had any impact on coaching at all.
- The quantified self would continue to offer value and not be used by coaches. This has remained the case. Despite data existing encapsulating everything from daily habits to financial behaviours, sleeping experiences and heart rate variability I don’t hear of any coaches drawing on this in coaching sessions. Perhaps this remains an opportunity.
This year’s predictions
Developing the above, it feels worth pointing out two quite specific predictions for coaching in 2024 in which technology will impact on the profession.
Artificial intelligence will start to make real inroads
There are now a decent number of providers of AI coaches spread across the world. Most of these aren’t offering non-directive coaching but there are some doing that, using a variety of approaches. While 2023 was the year of prototypes and pilot studies, 2024 will be the year that these start to get adopted.
The most fertile ground for this will be in big organisations with tight L&D budgets; the ability to offer text-based performance coaching to employees at probably 1% of the price of the big providers of remote coaching will be too attractive an offer to be refused. There will also be some smaller coaching providers that start offering AI coaching as part of their portfolio of services, augmenting individual coaching relationships and increasing their ability to scale.
Immersive technologies will hit the mainstream but most won’t notice it
Apple’s virtual and augmented reality headset, the Vision Pro, has a launch date: 2nd February. That is likely to lead to a number of people starting to experiment with head-worn devices and engaging in meetings as avatars through spatial computing.
My expectation here is that the experience will work across platforms, meaning some coachees start attending coaching sessions from their headset while coaches continue using their laptops. And as I’ve been seeing, it’s rare for people to use these sorts of technologies and then want to return to staring at tiny 2D faces rather than engaging in a more immersive way.
My personal reflections on 2023
When I wrote last year’s predictions article I was employed, then about 11 months and 17 days ago (but who’s counting) I suddenly wasn’t any more. That adventure has brought me a huge number of opportunities to learn, has introduced me to so many wonderful people I feel privileged to have met, and has given me the chance to dance around in the tension between needing to provide for my family and having almost full autonomy about how I spend my time.
With that in mind, I wanted to use this opportunity to thank every client who has trusted me in 2023. I’ve had the chance to deliver webinars and workshops, coaching, coach supervising and consulting to every sort of client, from independent coaches and small coaching partnerships through to global banks and publishing companies, retail giants and enormous public sector organisations, and many others.
I particularly wanted to thank every member of the Coachtech Collective, a monthly gathering of the most inquisitive coaches that I launched as a bit of an experiment and is a monthly highlight of mine! If you’d be interested in trying it out for a couple of months, use discount code NY2024 before the end of the month for two free months’ access.
I have no idea what 2024 will hold for me personally – if you think there might be opportunities for us to work together I’d love to hear from you! I particularly wanted to mention that I’ve been working on the launch of an AI coach that is designed to be simple to use, observing professional coaching good practice and ethics boundaries in the background. Please do have a look at and let me know if you’d like a conversation about how it might work in your context.
In any case, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What did you see in 2023? What do you think about my predictions for 2024? What are yours?